Monday, May 10, 2010

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Belle Of The Boulevard- Dashboard Confessional

This is my song. Seriously. When i heard it, it really described me. And my failed attempts at love. I always end up falling for the wrong "type" of guy. The pretender. Yes, even we optimists have our bad days. I perpetually have them.

Down in a local bar
Out on the Boulevard
The sound of an old guitar
Is saving you from sinking
It's a long way down, It's a long way

Back like you never broke
You tell a dirty joke
He touches your leg
And thinks He's getting close
For now you let him
Just this once
Just for now
And just like that
It's over.

Don't turn away
Dry your eyes, dry your eyes
Don't be afraid
But keep it all inside, all inside
When you fall apart
Dry your eyes, dry your eyes
Life is always hard
For the Belle of the Boulevard

In all your silver rings
In all your silken things
That song you softly sing
Is keeping you from breaking
It's a long way down, it's a long way

Back here you never lost
You shake the shivers off
You take a drink
To get your courage up
Can you believe it?
Just this once
Just for now
And just like that
It's over

Don't turn away
Dry your eyes, dry your eyes
Don't be afraid
But keep it all inside, all inside
When you fall apart
Dry your eyes, dry your eyes
Life is always hard
For the Belle of the Boulevard

Please hold on, it's alright
Please hold on, it's alright
Please hold on

Down in a local bar
Out on the boulevard
The sound of an old guitar
Is saving you

Don't turn away
Dry your eyes, dry you eyes
Don't be afraid
Keep it all inside, all inside
When you fall apart
Dry your eyes, dry your eyes
Life is always hard
For the Belle of the Boulevard

The Kooks- Sway..

i'm in love with this song. It describes how i feel when i feel for someone alot.

Say whatever you have to say, I'll stand by you.
Do whatever you have to do, to get it out and not become a reaction memory
To hurt the ones you love you know you never meant to but you do
oh yeah you do

Be whoever you have to be, I won't judge you
Sing whatever you have to sing to get it out and not become a recluse about how to come out
I know you never meant to but you do
oh but you do

Still I need your sway, because you always pay for it
And I, and I need your soul because your always soulful
And I and I need your heart, because your always in the right places

And take whatever you have to take, you know I love ya
come however you have to come, and get it out and get it out

Tttttake it out on me, take it out on me
I'll give it you all, I give it you all,i give it
I give you all I give it you all, yes I will give it you all

Cause I need your sway, because you always pay for it
And I, and I need your soul because your always soulful
And I and I need your heart, because your always in the right places

Oh yes I will, I will give it you all

Still I need your sway, because you always pay for it
And I, and I need your soul because your always soulful
And I and I need that heart, because your always in the right places.

*sigh* BARNEY!!

How I Met Your Mother
Barney: Suit up!

Ted: I'm gonna do what that guy couldn't, I'm gonna take the plunge... Well, I guess that's not a perfect metaphor since... for me it's falling in love and for him it's... death.
Barney: Actually, that is a perfect metaphor.

Barney: Ted, your problem is all you do is think, think, think. I'm teaching you how to do, do, do.
Marshall: Doo-doo!
Barney: [chuckles] Totally.

Ted: At least someone appreciates the fact that I am doing and not thinking.
Ted: And now, I don't think I won't not go to the bathroom.

Lily: Hey, nice shirt, Ted. Is it yesterday already?

Barney: Ted, tonight we're gonna go out. We're gonna meet some ladies, it's gonna be *legendary*. Phone-five!
[slaps cell-phone]
Barney: You didn't phone-five, did you?
Barney: I know when you don't phone-five Ted.

Ted: You're not... Moby, are you?
Not Moby: Who?
Ted: The recording artist, Moby.
Not Moby: Oh, no.
Ted: Then why, when we said "Hey, Moby" did you come over here?
Not Moby: Oh, I thought you said Tony.
Ted: So your name's Tony?
Not Moby: No.

Marshall: A drumroll? So what? that's it? You just said good night, went home and... performed the drum solo?

Lily: [Lily sees Barney hitting on Claudia] Oh, hell. No!
[grabs Barney by the ear and yanks him away from Claudia]
Lily: Claudia is getting married tomorrow and so help me God if I catch you even so much as breathing the same air as her I will take those peanuts you're trying to pass off as testicles and I will squeeze them so hard until your eyes pop out and then I'll feed them to you like grapes.
Barney: [confused] Wait... my eyes? Or my testicles?
Lily: [pause, thinks about it] One of each!

Barney: Haaaaave you met Ted?

Barney: It's gonna be legen... wait for it... dary!

Barney: It's gonna be legend-... wait for it... and I hope you're not lactose intolerant because the second half of that word is DAIRY!

Ted: So, who are we picking up?
Barney: I dunno... her? Or maybe her...
Ted: Wait, so when you said we were going to pick someone up at the airport, you meant we were going to *pick someone up* at the airport?
Barney: Yeah...
Ted: You're kidding!
Barney: False!

Bah those mysterious men.

i don't understand it.
your rust-dirtied nails from playing the guitar mesmerize me.
the way you laugh makes me laugh.
I'm not in love with you, I'm just intrigued.
the way your mind works and your sarcasm just makes me wonder how you do it.
your ego is far superior to mine.
you never liked me before and neither did i.
i thought you were an obnoxious jerk but now when you compliment me it makes me smile. argh.
i don't understand it.
and you don't even look my way.
OK, you're just my type of guy, whatever that is.
I'm a little lost and i hope you'll be my map.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall

hmn..i thought id give a shot at this note writing excuse me if its very crappy. xD
you stare at th mirror.
tell me what you see?
take a look at that exhausted face. the puffy dark-circled eyes. theyr yours. looks like your tired. but of what?
maybe thats the result of all those late phone late very early mornings..? maybe..
but id say you look more tired than anything. tired and sick. sick of everything.
hah! you think just by running to your friend is going to solve anything? baby, which dream world are you caught up in?
really, im sure its easier there than it is here.
you think that by crying and complaining that no one leaves you one understands ones on your side..? well sunshine, open your godamn eyes, wipe away those salty tear- cos ITS. ALL. YOUR. FAULT.
don't run away.. don't bother hiding in your room.. don't hide behind your music turned way up high.
face the result of your actions cos we all gotta go through it. shit happens, to everyone. its just when it hits you, obviously you feel it the most and think the wolrds running behind you.
or maybe its you who thinks its running behind you when in fact thwe world`s moved on. its you whos stuck on step one.
now cheer up. its not all that bad..
"put on the mask you wear to meet the faces you meet"
paste on that fake smile you learnt way back then.. play your part, cos the worlds a stage. its upto you if you wish to follow your lines or not.
now qiut staring at the mirror..
no point in hoping some miracle will happen. its your reality, its yours to face. no one else`s.
i am your reality check honey. or would you have preferred a map that came with directions. id give myself a slap on the face if i were you. oh wait, i am.

Raindrops keep falling on my head..

I walked down the street, muttering under my breath curses that my mother would be appalled to hear come out of my mouth. Four rupees in my pocket, not enough for a taxi ride back home. The sky was darkening quickly though it was only four in the afternoon. That could only mean one thing, it was about to rain. I quickened my pace only slightly but i still would not reach home in time to escape the storm looming ahead. An hours walk it would, long and boring, and very tiresome. But it was my fault for allowing him to take me all the way to god-knows-where only to get into an argument resulting in him riding off with his bike whilst leaving me there stranded. only then had i remembered that id forgotten to bring my purse.

One drop fell on my nose and i knew running would be a lost cause. in the blink of an eye, the rain came down faster and heavier. It was enough to instantly drench me. People began to run for shelter in all directions. Some had been smart enough to carry an umbrella, some ran for cover into their houses, some into the shops. I observed what was happening around me to distract me a little. I wondered how in gods name would a plastic bag protect someone from the rain as i watched the cycle-wallas ride around with the plastic bags on their heads. I looked up at the beautiful peepal tree and managed to spot some birds huddled up together to keep themselves warmer. My heart couldn't help melting as i watched how mothers tenderly made sure their children were under the umbrella or dressed in a raincoat while they themselves were drenched. I breathed in the smell of earth and damp grass, i really don't know what smell it is but its that certain smell that can be smelt after the rain. Yes, that smell. I took in the smell and the sudden change in the scenery where all the had-been-dusty leaves had magically transformed into beautiful, fresh, wet and very green leaves.

Behind me, i heard the roar of a motorbike. It came to a stop behind me and someone called my name. i turned around to look at his face. He said he was sorry for acting like that. He looked as if he meant it. I just smiled and took his hand. I wasn't angry anymore. We left the motor cycle by a tree and walked down the newly cleaned streets, hand in hand.

From my old blog..


the idea, somewhat ridiculous.
my mother laughed.
but we insisted.
out came the cake-mixes,
the bowl and the butter,
oil and the flour,
wooden spoon and aprons.
just to make it all real.
we mixed the batter,
cracked the eggs on the side.
hers landed on the table,
but mine neatly inside.
furiously mixing the ingridients,
turning the spoon round.
a cyclone, a whirlwind,
till one of us got tired,
the next took over.
my mother watched silently,
trying not to laugh.
mixing two different cake mixes,
tried something different.
ran every 5 minutes to check on the stove.
excited like we were when we were six,
playing with our barbies on the floor,
using shoes as their transport.
best-friends, we had been,
from years ago,
lost each other in the middle.
different lives we lead now,
but still manage to hold on.
the cake was done.
went the timer,
eager to taste it.
the awesomest cake of all