Friday, May 7, 2010

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall

hmn..i thought id give a shot at this note writing excuse me if its very crappy. xD
you stare at th mirror.
tell me what you see?
take a look at that exhausted face. the puffy dark-circled eyes. theyr yours. looks like your tired. but of what?
maybe thats the result of all those late phone late very early mornings..? maybe..
but id say you look more tired than anything. tired and sick. sick of everything.
hah! you think just by running to your friend is going to solve anything? baby, which dream world are you caught up in?
really, im sure its easier there than it is here.
you think that by crying and complaining that no one leaves you one understands ones on your side..? well sunshine, open your godamn eyes, wipe away those salty tear- cos ITS. ALL. YOUR. FAULT.
don't run away.. don't bother hiding in your room.. don't hide behind your music turned way up high.
face the result of your actions cos we all gotta go through it. shit happens, to everyone. its just when it hits you, obviously you feel it the most and think the wolrds running behind you.
or maybe its you who thinks its running behind you when in fact thwe world`s moved on. its you whos stuck on step one.
now cheer up. its not all that bad..
"put on the mask you wear to meet the faces you meet"
paste on that fake smile you learnt way back then.. play your part, cos the worlds a stage. its upto you if you wish to follow your lines or not.
now qiut staring at the mirror..
no point in hoping some miracle will happen. its your reality, its yours to face. no one else`s.
i am your reality check honey. or would you have preferred a map that came with directions. id give myself a slap on the face if i were you. oh wait, i am.

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