Friday, May 7, 2010

Raindrops keep falling on my head..

I walked down the street, muttering under my breath curses that my mother would be appalled to hear come out of my mouth. Four rupees in my pocket, not enough for a taxi ride back home. The sky was darkening quickly though it was only four in the afternoon. That could only mean one thing, it was about to rain. I quickened my pace only slightly but i still would not reach home in time to escape the storm looming ahead. An hours walk it would, long and boring, and very tiresome. But it was my fault for allowing him to take me all the way to god-knows-where only to get into an argument resulting in him riding off with his bike whilst leaving me there stranded. only then had i remembered that id forgotten to bring my purse.

One drop fell on my nose and i knew running would be a lost cause. in the blink of an eye, the rain came down faster and heavier. It was enough to instantly drench me. People began to run for shelter in all directions. Some had been smart enough to carry an umbrella, some ran for cover into their houses, some into the shops. I observed what was happening around me to distract me a little. I wondered how in gods name would a plastic bag protect someone from the rain as i watched the cycle-wallas ride around with the plastic bags on their heads. I looked up at the beautiful peepal tree and managed to spot some birds huddled up together to keep themselves warmer. My heart couldn't help melting as i watched how mothers tenderly made sure their children were under the umbrella or dressed in a raincoat while they themselves were drenched. I breathed in the smell of earth and damp grass, i really don't know what smell it is but its that certain smell that can be smelt after the rain. Yes, that smell. I took in the smell and the sudden change in the scenery where all the had-been-dusty leaves had magically transformed into beautiful, fresh, wet and very green leaves.

Behind me, i heard the roar of a motorbike. It came to a stop behind me and someone called my name. i turned around to look at his face. He said he was sorry for acting like that. He looked as if he meant it. I just smiled and took his hand. I wasn't angry anymore. We left the motor cycle by a tree and walked down the newly cleaned streets, hand in hand.

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